ST 20 DX 10 (manual dx 8, 12 for large things) HT 10 CH 10 IQ 14 WP 11 [Troll] !+25 Gagiteer !+ 5 Gizmo !+ 15 (10?) Sense Metal !+ 10 Adept 2 1 point: Spear @DX 2 points: Qaurterstaff @DX 1 point: 2-handed mace @DX .5 points: psychoanalysis @what? 1 point Blacksmithing 1 point Alchemy 4 points Brightforge Lore 2 points Architect Merchant + 2 Self-Tailoring +1 Durability + 1 Read & Write Language + 1 Steel Thought + 2 Armory + 1 Weapon History + 3 Karma Ritual + 2 He has 11 CP, 75 LP (Not quite up to date: Tristian of the Brightforge Clan is about 500 points, and will be about 550 after the current bout of downtime.)