Taint is in some ways the opposite of [Karma]. Taint seems to be a measure of [Horror] influence and corruption. Known ways of gaining Taint include using [Raw Magic], using some [Blood Charms] and interacting in some ways with [Horror]s or [Horror Construct]s. If you are granted a Taint point, suck shall soon befall you. You can cancel it *as it comes in* by spending a Karma point. You can cancel many points of Taint by spending an equal number of points of Karma. If you don't avert the Taint as you're gaining it, you can do your Karma Ritual to remove one point (but gain no Karma). If you get a lot of Taint, you will really want to start doing your [Karma Ritual] as often as possible, so you can get rid of it. Taint is believed to attract [Horror]s... You always have a [Permanent Taint] value equal to one tenth of the total Taint you have ever gained. Don't round this number --- 1 point of Taint is 0.1 points of PermaTaint. Taint manifests as [Disadvantage]s of point value equal to your total Taint score. If you have more points than you have [Disadvantage]s due to Taint, the [GM] may and often will give you new ones --- please try to keep your Taint Disadvantages in pace with your Taint score. When you lose Taint you will eventually (but not immediately) lose the disadvantages that came with the Taint. Common Taint [Disadvantage]s include: Bloodlust, Berserk, Murder Addiction, Lifebane, Unattractive Apearance and Cursed. Honesty, Code of Honor, and other Heroic disadvantages are discouraged, but might be allowed in a perverted form. Under some circumstances, your Taint score is applied as a penalty to all rolls for creative acts. Spellcasting is *always* a creative act.