+1 Action for 3 points of Spellcasting Talent over 12 +1 defense for 3 points of Spellcasting Talent over 12 +1 damage/5 points of Spellcasting Talent "Improved defaults" for Improvised Spellcasting: Easy -1, Avg -2, Hard -3, Very Hard -4
+1 Defense? Hunh? WeaponMaster and such grant an extra parry or dodge... perhaps that should read Parry. A magical parry-equivalent would be a neat addition. Also, I have no idea where those improved defaults came from; WeaponMaster does give a +2 to all weapon defaults, which is pretty cool if you're a 200-point character (the equivalent of 20 points of stats, usually). Noting it as +2 to improvised spells might be wiser.