The most enduring villainy position of the 18th-20th century, the pirate sailed the high seas and attacked, looted, and sunk merchant ships of all types and sizes. Villified by some countries, but usually supported by others (with often ignored demands that their own ships be spared), the pirates took on legendary roles as bedtime tale villains of children and hardened sailors alike. Lofting the "Jolly Roger" skull-and-crossbones flag, the pirate charged in to surprise a merchant vessel (and an occasional war galleon). Panic usually ensued, and the chaos ended with a pirate cheer. Good pirates got rich quickly, but due to the calibre of the crew and the dangers of the position, pirates rarely trusted even their longstanding "loyal" lieutenants... Thus, many a pirate's tale ended with buried treasure guarded by traps and ghosts, and pointed to by a barely legible (at best) map. Whether feared, revered, villified, or glorified, pirates were impossible to ignore. As such, they live on in legend even to this day. Who knows... Perhaps in a far off place, or in a remote hideaway, a wealthy pirate stalks his prey even now. If he does, then God bless him, for the hero needs a villain, and everyone's story needs a little fear and suspense.