Proposed [Talent] and mechanic Developing off of a [Wizard]'s metamagical abilites, Mind Over Magic lets a wizard disrupt spells locally as they hit him via channeling energy into the imcomming spell. An active magical defense. [Talent] off of [IQ]. The [Adept] spends a point of [Karma], and rolls Mind Over Magic with a penalty equal to the Margin/Penetration of the incoming spell.
There are a couple of issues: is it an absolute go/no-go defense? Or does it weaken an incoming spell which it can't fully stop (by reducing the penetration so your natural resistance gets more of a chance)? I agree that it should have a Karma cost; I'm wondering if one point is enough (considering circle points, or skew-cost-of-spell points). And if it only works on spells which interact with the wizard's pattern, I'll be much happier. --bts I was thinking a mystic analong to avoid blow. A go/no-go defense. It only effects spells at the point they affect the wizards pattern(ex. a wizard in the middle of an explosive fireball who made his roll would be singed the the surrounding heat, but unburned, his friends, who are standing nearbye would be blasted.) possibly a higher karma cost to localy bypass existing spells. -jss A defense against targeted spells (e.g., Daze, Mass Daze, Turn-hair-blue) is fine. A defense against area-effect spells which happen to affect some space near the Wizard (e.g. Explosive fireball) seems like a much more powerful effect. It's a reasonably high-circle Talent, so I'm OK with allowing it to stack with the normal resistance roll. And I think we can leave it at 1 Karma for this effect, and impose a higher cost (1/N/N^2) on "Catch Spell." Here's a try at a writeup: --bts
The Wizard spends a point of [Karma] and rolls vs. Mind Over Magic with a penalty equal to the Penetration of the incoming spell. His margin of success is subtracted from the Penetration of the spell. If he gets a normal resistance roll, therefore, it has less Penetration to overcome. This Talent works only against spells which directly target the Wizard, not those which act through a medium or manifest and effect. It is typically used as an ActiveDefense, and is considered Blocking. It is thus not usable when unconscious, dazed, distracted, or All-Out-Attacking.