This is a simplified version of the melee weapon design rules from GULLIVER. It assumes use of wield ST and of load ST equal to ST^2/10. *maybe I should just stop doing this. It's not particularly useful, except possibly for me. Eh. Next time I need a break, maybe I'll do some warned, nothing I write is real unless confirmed by a GM, and this is still jsut scratch space.* Values Needed: Arm Length, Linear Scale, Weapon Length, Weapon Weight, Unbalance, Impact Surface. Results: Weight, Reach, Damage Add, Ready Delay, Damage Type. Maybe futz with the rules a bit so they actually use swing damage = thrust damage x 1.5.
For thrust, recovery = weight x 4 For swing, recover = weight x swing effect x 2 + (dropped length x weight), no less than thrust. swing effect = ((effective length x unbalance) + arm length)/2/linear scale. unbalanace is 1 for balanced, 2 for semibalanced, 3 for unbalanced. Ready Rounds = Recovery / load ST /4 So, for thrust, it's weight/load ST. For swing, it's weight x (2 x (effective length x unbalance)+arm) + dropped length)/load ST/4 To compact, that's weight x (2 x swing effect + dropped length)/load ST/4 Damage Add for swing = sqrt (weight x swing effect x 2) Damage Add for Thrust = sqrt (weight x 2) no bigger than effective combat ST x 2/3 Effective combat ST = 4/5 ST for 1-handed weapons, ST for 2-handed. Effective ST = 2/3 ST punching, ST for kicking.