[Jenna Background Story]
[Jenna Meets the Party]
[Jenna 3-16-02] The demise of Joan, entering Caer Camrish, Jenna's second thesis idea
[Jenna 4-06-02] The Maze, Monkey, "I smell metal, the new party, fire tunnel people part 1
[Jenna 4-20-02] Meeting the Council, put in prison, rescued and open-heart surgery
[Jenna 5-04-02] Into the Earth tunnel, spiders and slugs, more thesis ideas
[Jenna Ravenhair Journal 6-8-2002] Trading questions with the spiders, Jenna and Thwak face off, getting&guarding the minecarts, Fire+Water in collusion?
[Jenna Ravenhair Journal 6-22-02] Dazed and thieved, rescuing the suspended people, Thwak's Betrayal
[Jenna Ravenhair Journal 7-13-2002] A big battle, Thwak's Honor, Mank's ear, Tristain seals the back door to the caer.
[Jenna Ravenhair Journal 8-17-2002] Founding of NewTowne, checking on Camrish, poison grain?, West Hills Tribe, discovered the cultists, dragon's egg, horror-petrified Gilad
[Jenna Ravenhair Journal 9-07-2002] Rescuing Kenisha, petrified, investigating the tower and the jems, The Letters, and knocking out the Camrish Thugs.
[Jenna Ravenhair Journal 9-21-2002] Minister of Defense of NewTowne, a dragon?, killing the gecko-horrors
[Jenna Ravenhair Journal 10-14-2002] taking cultists to NewTowne, Jenna & Steven start becoming archmages, Jenna learns the language of the Val-Heru, investigating the T'skrang horror
[Jenna Ravenhair Journal 11-23-2002] Metallic Thwak attacks Bigo Samwir, kills two other 6th-circle adepts and a caravan of others. Gilad kills Bigo.
Written IC: [Eleias Notes on the Passons]