We all went to sleep, I got Gilad to help me do my Karma Ritual again, and we meditated. When we woke up, I took a look at the maze. It looked hard, but then Tristain piped up:
"I understand that last time you got through this because you had an Elementalist who could sense Oricalcum. I can smell metal."
Trolls are weird.

The Maze:

There is a circular hole in the ground, and inside there are circular tunnels. The bottom is quite damp, but is distinguishable. It looks like someone has tried to clean up and buff the floor.

They asked me to try to dispell the illusion holding together this maze. From what they said it's *huge*, but I wove two threads to extra area and two to penetration. It had no effect, so either there isn't an illusion here, or it's way over my head. I expect the latter. No sane caer would put up defenses that a third-circle nobody could bring down.

Steven started babbling about a maze with peanut butter and dirt walls that allowed them to dig through and get to a castle full of elves. I do not see the correlation.

Then Gilad chimed in:
"We entered, and tried to judge through whether things were going up or down, tried to use ropes, tried to mark walls, tried intuition, succeeded by divining Oricalcum and other things, then disbelieving them. Gravity was confirmed to do stupid things, and at either side, you are climbing to a wall in the ceiling. It's a "Sinkhole maze", but posting a person at an intersection seemed to keep weird splits from happening."

So, on Gilad's advice, we tried walking away from what the maze told Steven was "North" and "Throal" This did not work.
Then, Tristain tried to smell Oricalcum with Steven's smell-enhancing spell and we tried to follow that. This also did not work
Then, we tied ourselves together and tried to all walk to the exit. We all walked to the entrance, but at least it seemed to be somewhat working, so we tried again. We found:
A really huge gorilla!. It looks a lot like a blood monkey, only about 9 times as big. Under it, of course, there was a hole in the floor. I dropped into it, and saw another shimmering barrier--another test, I assume. I suggested that we stop here for a bit to rest, but Tristain fell asleep.

Thwak decided to carry him. We walked through the barrier. Donk hit himself in the head and walked through. Then, on the other side, we all fell asleep for a week. There is a *lot* of magic weirdness here...

We start walking, following footsteps, getting really tired. We found the body of one of Wallenstein's men, argued about burning the body, and finally realized that we couldn't, so I wrapped it in a sheet. Steven figured out that the air was, in fact, getting thin, which is why we were so tired. Tristain converted his bellows and the kernel of true air into an air filter. That was really cool.

We walked forward and found yet another striated area. Gilad walked in, and an alarm with a flash went off, shouting "Intruders detected" with a klaxon. I silenced it, and we walked through. Thwak the Moron ran, and was very quickly gasping for air. (Tenet of thesis appendix #2: Barbarian Trolls have no common sense)

Thwak the Moron charged the battle, and discovered that "Wallenstein's Folks" are zombies. Not a big surprise, considering that the other group of his were undead... Gilad started taking out zombies with arrows, Donk chopping them, etc The party killed the undead, and I covered the small party and undead bodies in pink fluff, to keep them from killing our people.

The surrounded people were:

Once the illusion dissipated, we all went to a house a short way from the battle site. They didn't seem too thankful for the rescue... People argued a bunch, and then the "Outside Party" except for Tristain left to go to the fire tunnels.

We walked along in the fire tunnels when, suddenly, a bunch of rocks fell from the ceiling. Everyone dodged safely except me, but I blocked with a mirage dome. We looked up, and there was a spidery thing on the ceiling. The archers tried to hit it, and I ephemeral bolted it with a green squggle. It looked like a human torso with a spider head and two limbs everywhere that there ought to be one--pretty creepy. I cast a mirage of a 100 ft wide of napalm-like stuff, and then Steven lit it on fire. About 5 seconds later, the created stuff faded out but the body kept burning. We tried throwing a magically-lit rock. It hit a barrier and blinked out, then the rock hit the wall. A hail of pine arrows came out of the hole, and Steven and I passed out.

A greyish apparition appeared, a man in plate, floating through the mana-suck. It talked to Thwak. "It's only those staying in Camrish whom we can not allow to live"
"What if we take them out"
"The City wouldn't like that. We'd have to follow."
"Are you from the city?"
"No. But we would have to follow"
"What is your quarrel with them?
"How can it be resolved?"
"Kill them all?"
"All, or just the leaders?"
"At least that"
"I do not believe there are any of those left"
"I can not stay. I must go"

Thwak carried us back to the safehouse, where their elementalist tried to heal us.

Their names are:
Siersha, human party leader, non-adept.
Kenisha, windling Scout.
Tara, dwarven elementalist.
Morrigan (elf), Tamorin (elf), T'val (t'skrang), G'krin (t'skrang), Martin (dwarf), Rafael (human), Michael (human, Vladimir (ork), and Sithyl (elf)