We got up, and after Steven determined that we can afford to pay a wizard to remove the curse on Gilad, we all went down to the pavillion where the Adept contests registration is. GROUP CONTESTS *race--group as large as you want, start at one end of a canyon grab cool stuff, come back. Your score is value/size of group 15 rounds, 1/circle *Put on a play of an absolutely true story *Group combat (no killing blows) *King of the Mountain castle-taking combat (last one to touch the magic stone) We talked about the possibilities of Maura's Mystic Mist, K'shrik's siren song, my windwalker and metamorphosis. Then, we went to the registration table and tried to register for some of the events. We all wrote our names: K'shrik , Troubador E'leia Anora, Elementalist of Camrish Tzeika, Elementalist Gilad vonRichtofen of Camrish Captain Donk Thwak Oakenshield Who Knows Himself Steven Mandrake the Wizard (sigil) Joan, cavalryman of Camrish, and Orleans Maura Greyhorn Stonehold of Camrish who knows herself We argued for half an hour over names, with Thwak being a total jerk about making us be the "Adepts of Camrish" Thwak picked up E'leia as she tried to go write "Team Camrish" in the book, and Gilad went and wrote it. Donk, Gilad, Maura, Joan and Thwak go up against some NPCs in a big battle They totally beat up Gabe, Leanne, Kubai, and Chip accidentally fireballed both Joan _and_ Orleans (who had surrendered), which disqualified that team. Individual contests: (E'leia volunteered to be an honorary damsel for a swordsman contest, K'shrik did too.) A note gets delivered from the Adept Illuminati "We traditionally have tea at this time, at this place, if you'd do the honor of joining us, we'd greatly appreciate it." I now have 7.5 silver, after giving the 50 he gave me + 30 I won to Steven. I won a staff, not enchanted, from a tree in the Wyrmwood. I ask K'shrik to tell me about the Wyrmwood: "It is the center of all Elven culture...dragon...claims to be daughter of the Mother of all dragons..."