[Aleia Daylog] There was a knock at the door. A box from Germany, about the side and weight of a very heavy air conditioner There is a letter on Sedar-Krupp stationary with a rip where the signature would be, in Sperethial. It is from Lofwyr, the Great Dragon "If you're interested in a closer alliance, you should call 1-800-SEDAR-KRUPP and mention that." Inside is a combination box marked 1 2 3 4 6, open. The inside glitters, and there is a big shiny loofah inside. It's a few square yards of oricalcum netting. The box is lined with oricalcum foil. "I wasn't me. Sorry!" -A'leia We sat down to go over the "stuff we should do" Tristain tries to explain what Great Dragons are to Barton. There are rumors that they are actually horror constructs that went awry, they are certainly older than the 4th age. "The primary thing we might want to request from our new ally is some more information. " "Your first mistake was accepting a gift from the fair folk. Your second was making a deal with a dragon. I don't think you'll live to see your third" --Dawn Greetings also to you, Thank you for your kind gift. We appreciate it and will put it to good use. We would like to apologise for any disruption we caused you and your people, and may be interested in talking to you in the future about issues of mutual concern. Thank you again, A'leia Anora O'Shay, Troubador of the Oracle, for the Oracle Corporation "Dargo, are you really the right person to send on a stake-out? -A'leia I'm quite stealthy for a troll -Dargo" Barton and Koda and A'leia go to "that Wal-Mart" which is not. It's a random corporate headquarters. We decide that we should go to a *different* Wal-Mart. Tristain goes on a metaplanar quest through a plumbing system and his birth. He contemplates his navel. Barton, Dana and Koda try to do stupid things. "You could get most of Boston high off of this 6-pack - Okay. I'll take both then -Tommy The party shares stories. Tristain tells us that the party has "a little bit of Mank" in each of them. As long as we never mind-meld it's okay. "I have a stash site" "If I told you where it was, it wouldn't be a stash site anymore." -Tristain "Just tell me where you want me to go" -Barton "The passenger seat" -Jonathan I take the T to the airport and buy a ticket to Tir Taingere, showing my Tir passport. I also send mail to postmaster@oracle.com "I'm headed out for awhile. I can't take this. If we're not going to act like heroes, there's no point in me being around here. My purpose is to tell stories about heroes, not villains and thieves. I'll call you if you get the phone back up. --AAO,T .