CNN says: There are people pouring out of the sewers, angrier and more well-armed than people thought. These are the first Horrors. The Orkish newsletter Menk on a soapbox shouting: kid was killed, cops grenaded the apartment of someone who had the rep of about Malcom X and killed his nephew. "For the record, I'd like to say that I'm only responsable for half of that" -Barton We are on retainer with DocWagon, who has announced that they are in a global alert status, which means that they are not actually going in other than for super platinum customers. This means if we call them, "There is a breech, Underneath Park St Station. There is a bridge going to--hell on earth is probably the term you would understand--and someone has decided to put a big plank over the gap" We enclosed the sword in concrete, and ourselves (except Barton) in ablitive foam, and the van with armor and stuff. A'leia has a tangler, and is in ablitave and other armor. Along the Harvard Bridge, there is a roadblock. Then, there is another, on the far side, On Beacon Hill, there are uniformed (though not obviously so) people, on the street, in "urban camo". All the ones we've seen are orks, and they all seem busy with things they consider much more important than us. They all have rifles slung over their shoulders in a way that looks like they know how to use them, and are carrying or pushing carts of things that look like munitions. Dana and Barton go in after the victim--a heart attack victim--who is in an apartment building "Excuse me, coming through--hand grenades, nuclear weapons--cybertroll, female wraiths, that way!" "How do you know wraiths don't have gender? I've been around... er... no.. um..." Dargo and Barton saw some motercycles with uniformed guys on them. They shot at them, over some people's objections, and they moved to grab the three crashed motorcycles. Jonathan moved over to one, got on it, and said "Aargh! For the Blackhearts" Jonathan took one, Legba/Tristain took one, and Barton took one. I asked "can more than one person ride a motorcycle?" barton: "yes" I climbed on the back of it. Legba/Tristain picked up Dana with one hand, and climed on a motorcycle. There are cops trying to "hold the common" but there is nobody attacking them. I try to first impression them and shout "Come, help us!" and FI "good guys". Some of the cops are coming and trying to follow. They're slower than us. "We are being followed by a spectral presence" -Tristain It's chilly down here. There are tunnels going off into what used to be the green line, which lead into parts of the underworld. We let Legba/Tristain lead--there is a plywood barricade here with a big hole punched in it. Barton drives right down the stairs through the There are lights down here, moving around, and shadows moving around. Barton cut the engine once we got down there. This area hasn't really been cleaned up since the earthquake "Rocky the explosive, ass-kicking squirrel gyroc grenades. They're about this big (holds fingers up about an inch apart)" "That's it?? Do they explode?" "well, yeah, of course" "Oh. Okay!" "I will do a drive-by cuisinart" -Justin "I start to tell a story" "in combat?" "I can't do anything else" There is a flash of pink and a sound as of the wheels of reality grinding against each other. Dargo, Dana and Tristain/Legba vanish. Jonathan was fighting the wraith, and it phased in, making banshee-like skreeches. A'leia tried to tangle it, and it moved towards her. She moved into the train track, tried to go across, and was blocked by the Wraith. Just as she was about to pass out from it's fatigue attacks, she shouted "BE GONE!" and passed out. Barton swooped down to grab her, ran back to the motorcycle, past the wraith, and took her to the motorcycle. Jonathan was on the motorcycle, and he arrived there just as someone came flying in from the cavern. She flew into the wall by the train tracks, and Barton grabbed her and sprinted for the stairs. Jonathan revved the motorcycle and started heading up the stairs. "does a levitating mage count as a vehicle in transit?" "The Blackhearts might randomly like you if you start arrging after capturing damsels..." Barton ran through the wraith, taking it's cloak (and maybe it) with him up the stairs. Jonathan rides up the stairs and pops a wheelie to open the doors. There are cops here, who ran in and opened fire on the spinning turnstile. The wraith is trying to follow us--the cops opened fire on it but it didn't seem to help. Suddenly, every turnstile in the place is turning, as if thousands of invisible people are pouring out of the T station. The wraith is following us. We all moved into the van, and the wraith is in the passenger seat. The docwagon elf waved a "Revive" capsule under A'leia's nose. She wakes just in time to pass out again after another Wraith attack. Jonathan is super-stim'd and wakes up to beat the wraith up with the sword. It lashes out and breaks the window with it's bony, claw-like hands, and grabs the steering wheel at the same time. It pulls, as Jonathan moves the blade down to it's heart-level, and Barton tried to pull off it's hands and kick it out the door. The wraith stopped yodeling, ripped in half, and the half nearest the passenger side door flitted out the window. "Now you have a demi-wraith" Barton manages to get it's hand off the steering wheel, and Jonathan gets to the point of nearly passing out as the other half of the wraith vanishes out the window. A' tells us that there are now orks coming in through our basement, in uniforms... We're headed back to the building, docwagon person in tow.