The run started with A'leia in the custody of the Boston Police, as they were going off to get her a lawyer. Meanwhile, the everyone else is off at the Somerville Building, researching.They told Lina and Abbie about the Wormskull, and tried to come up with some way to figure out who was in charge of Lemuria "You don't do research in a shrimp factory. You do it offshore, in extraterritorial waters..."- Lina "That's the First! place people would look!" -Barton Lina pointed out that Totems happen in weird ways, and that it might not have been Lemuria intentionally summoning things on purpose... Barton pointed out that if A'leia has been gone this long, the police have found something out and are questioning her further. They've probably gotten her a lawyer, but they *haven't* called the company lawyer. This is probably a bad sign... The party piled into the van, leaving A'leia at the police station. About an hour later, the car shut off, saying "Immediate Maintenance Required: calling tow company, and the GPS system engaged. Tom jumped out to fix it, and sirens activated. Barton and Dana and Alpha told Lina and Abbie to get out of there: they protested but Lina did fly off, and Abbie started walking. "What's going on here!?!" -Abbie "We'll tell you later." -Barton "Bull!" -Abbie The party managed to fix the car, inasmuch as they could make it go 90 mph and nothing else. Tom, trying to fix something, broke down the van, and the party instead stole a "Universal Brotherhood" van, stuffed Alpha into it, and drive off. After an exciting police chase, and thunderbolts flying from the sides, Tom said something about getting back on the road. The party went through a gate that they created from the song "Turn the Page" (reading a book, echoes of the amplifier from the police) just as they were getting back on the road. Then, the van went over a cliff and crashed in flames. "Alpha, get out of the van" "But it's warm here" "Um" "This is a neat place, Barton. Why didn't you ever take me here before?" "You're scaring me, dude" -Barton "I'm sinking" -Alpha "What's it like being a gnome?" -Barton "I don't know. I've never been a gnome. I've been a car, I've been a helicopter... I've been a coffeepot..." -Alpha "We need to get somewhere where computers work again" -Barton "You don't think I'm working? Do I need to run internal diagnostics again? I'm supposed to get feedback from the company..." -Alpha Meanwhile, back in Boston, A'leia was released on bail with a tracking bracelet, but was then picked back up from the coffeehouse and taken in again, this time without a lawyer and without a polygraph. They beat her up until she told them that the party had talked to Lina Inverse and Abbie Sterling recently, and that the party might call the Ambassador. They took Lina off to ask her questions, and then took Abbie. When Lina and Abbie came back, the cop proposed a deal. We were given a little tracking device with a button that we can push for the cops to show up--when the party gets in touch with us, we need to push the button. If they don't find us, we need to find them. Off in the Netherworld, Dana and Barton managed to climb up the cliff, the party interrogated an increasingly more insane Alpha, and then Dana and Barton were attacked by tailed savages with spears, bronze knives, and half-height masks. Dana and Barton knocked out or scared away the natives, and tried to come up with a way to get Alpha up the cliff. Some people who didn't speak any language the party knew threw down a 10 ft rope that magically got longer, and Tom pulled a pulley out of his pocket. Quotes: "I asked you to drop a note, and instead you dropped a boat!" -Barton to Alpha "they would do it in an extraterritorial..." "that's the first place someone would look!" barton & lina "what's it light being a gnome" "i don't know. i've never been a gnome. i've been a car, i've been a helicopter, and i've even been a coffee pot." barton & a' "maybe i should do an illusion that you're a damsel, then barton would rescue you." a' to tom