I began wandering around the Netherworld, seriously lost, trying to move towards strong female rulers, theatre, Shakespeare, islands, London, language and plays. I wandered through a maze of twisty passages, all alike, until I landed on a foggy beach. As I walked inland, I found a narrow vine strung across a path. A pixie was above me, giggling. It dropped something sticky and smelly on me, then flew off. Ew. This forest is infested with faeries. I decided to try to act through "A Midsummer Night's Dream" with the faeries in the hopes that Shakespeare would be there at the end of the story. A green monster began climbing up the beach, indicating that this is Shakesperia (but not a particular play) so I walked to the Center of things, and found Titania's court, with Prospero standing behind the throne. "Fair folk, where might I find the Creator?" Titania welcomed me to the court, and asked why I might be there. I responded to them that I had come to learn from the Creator of this place, to become a better story-weaver. They seemed to be confused, thinking I was talking about the Almighty, and I realized that they had no way of conceiving of Shakespeare. He might have been in his own stories somewhere, though... Prospero! That's where he might be! I went back to the Court and offered to entertain the court in return for lodging for the night, which Titania accepted. Once she retired for the night, I realized that Shakespeare is probably not in the Netherworld, so I tried to find Elizabethan England. I ended up all sorts of places--one appeared to be Victorian England. I got held up by a guy with a knife, whom I gave my bracelet in the Netherworld. Then, I tried to move further towards an era of spymasters and spying. I'm on a catwalk over a stage, in what looks like the Right Globe. I found William Shakespeare, and he trained me up in circle. He's an elf, from the fourth age, who has been waiting there, writing. He's planning to retire. He trains me to third circle, but I owe him money, or need an oricalcum coin to take the training pledge. I made a deal with him that I'd get him Marlowe's latest manuscript in return for one oricalcum coin and enough to pay my training debt.