We got back from the bar and filled in Tom and Koda, just as police sirens started outside. The hovercraft lands and policemen are pounding on the door. They stuff a warrant into my hand and push past, claiming that they are investigating an attempted jailbreak by drones controlled from this building. They ask to see computer records and then start seizing all the electronic equiptment (including toasters, curling irons, etc)

They leave two guards to watch over the basement door, where Alpha is, and then try to search us. I ask for a female officer, and they end up arresting me. They throw me into a drunk tank for awhile.

After a bit, they bring me out and say "you're free to go". I ask for my ID, and they say "no". "But if I don't have my ID, won't I just get arrested?" "You don't have an ID?" "No, you have it" "Then you're under arrest for being in public without an ID" "What? But you have it" "sorry, no exceptions" "Then may I call my lawyer?" "It's midnight. " "I know" "Your lawyer works at midnight?" ""Yup"

"Flash photography ok?" "um... we can probably make it okay"
"How about IR? Then I don't need flash"
"Okay. Looks cooler anyway"

We get to the manhole and Koda goes to scout down. She climbs down the non-ladder part of the manhole and goes to scout.

We got down into the manhole and found an IR-camera. Tristain and Koda climbed across with me on Tristain's back, and Koda made Tom and the reporter invisible to walk through the IR field. We all got to the other side, and got into the tunnels that looked familiar.

We got into the bunk room and I pointed out the concrete block that had once had the sword. We tried to point out things that correlate with our story, but many of them also correlate with the National Guard's "go in and shoot things" story.

We point out the sword marks in the wall and arrange for him to be able to take a few pictures of it. We found our way outside and began talking. "I need an angle. Either we can go with 'the government is covering this up because they didn't do what they should have done, or

"Any chance while they're thinking I could get tortured?" -Tommy

"I check the stuner for bugs." "IT IS NOT EVIL!"

We get back to the house and try to call the police. I'm on hold for a really long time before Koda calls on a different phone and asks the electronic concierge for Barton's trial date (not available to the public) and the equiptment list (not available in the current emergency, which began June 14, 2011)

Koda goes downtown to check out Mank's apartment. A PI noticed her and watched her. She turned invisible, he walked around the corner and looked right at her. "I'm going to go home and sulk" -Koda She flipped the card to one of us. "Peter Spade, no relation, private investigator" "Wow. He's good. We ought to call him. " "grumble"

Tristain and Koda tested out whether threaded spells could be dispelled. Apparently they can.

Barton returns. "I was found not guilty of everything except for flight from prosecution, and given a one-year suspended sentence. If I get in trouble any more, I'll get in real trouble"

We filled him in on the situation, the framing, etc. Barton and Koda went to Radio Shack to get parts for a bug sweeper. Tom and Tristain went looking for magic books. "I'm delivering myself, hm hm hm " -Barton

My dresses are delivered. Barton and Koda try to track the PI.

I put on my Vestrial dress and go to Harvard, picking up a mask pin as I go. With that pinned to my collar, I pick somewhere and begin to tell the Story of Death and the Passions. When that ends, I tell more stories about Vestrial.

"I let go of the ladder, *then* I cast levitation" -Dawn
um... This is a Problem."
"Suddenly, Koda is unconsious with blood coming out of her nose, and you are underwater. "

We went over to Manks place and the lady wasn't very helpful and I managed to find a footprint and suddenly her eyes went poof and there was a green path on her eyes and we tracked this guy into a movie theatre and into an elevator and got into an elevator and we got out, noticed that he hadn't gone into the elevator again, but there were footprints into the elevator shaft and I slid down a couple floors and we started screwing around and I slid down three floors and, joking, told her to jump, not expecting her to do it. But she did, and then tried to cast one of her "make this okay" spells but it didn't work and suddenly we were in 7 floors of water and she passed out.

Every day A'leia goes and tells stories about a passion in the order that they were in Vestrial's temple.

When everyone was together, we started talking about what to do. We decided to release our story to the international news sources. The reporter agrees, and I offer to do an interview or voiceover. He said that what he'd taken was going uncut on the newswires. (He also has the uncut Dana, uncut Jonathan, and the "best story" footage that Jonathan cut)