Stuff that happened: Dargo and Dana are left alone. They fight off bad guys. Koda shows up. She gets knocked out in the next fight. oops. Dana stays with her, Dargo goes on, noticing the dead orks who were killed by a monowire katana weilded by a master of Kendo. Dargo approaches a tunnel where a wraith is arguing with an ork. The ork has a glass faceplate. He begins to aim, thinks "This is your wakeup call" and they throw themselves to the ground. As he's moving to aim again, his tunnel collapses. "Meanwhile, Mank's voice is going through speakers. It appears he *taped* his meglamaniacal speech, because he made his IQ roll to realize the party might do something like this" A familiar-looking wraith begins flaming the circle, and Mank jumps of the deas and begins running for an exit. Wormskull pops out of the wall. Part of the party freaks, Barton wakes up and begins racing towards the action. The orks freak, and so do some of the wraiths. Others draw swords. Wormhead starts running towards Barton and the door. Barton tries to intercept, but the Wormskull grabs his hand and throws him aside. Wormskull keeps going (walking at speed 14) to the door. Barton tries to run past it. The wraiths who drew swords jump on it and slice for all they're worth. Dargo shot it with the big huge flame gun, but it dodged astrally. "Getting thrown across the room by Great C'thulu is somehow relaxing"-Brian One of the orks shouts "Great C'thulu, send your servants, help me!!!" and a tentacle comes in and pulls him away. Dargo's skin gets ripped halfway around his body by the Wormskull. Barton and the wraiths move into the "bunk room" (where A'leia is) and Barton starts chopping a mattress into pieces. The Orks are chanting, and the wraiths are arguing over who gets to pick up (presumably the sword). One does, and the other engages the Wormskull. Barton tries to get the sword from the Wormskull. "There is a wraith booking towards you carrying an eight-foot stone sword. He is followed by Barton, carrying about 1/3 of a mattress, and shouting "Get the wheelbarrow!""-GM The Wormskull noticed the lack of sword and started booking back after it. the wraith pulled back to throw the sword into the portal. The Wormskull tackled it and pulled it to the ground. The Wraith and the wormskull are on the ground wrestling with the sword. Then, the other wormskull comes in and starts hacking at it. Barton, two wraiths and a wormskull are fighting in a river of plasma with a big sword. The wormskull pulled a splat gun and fired it at the wraith. Green flame came out, and vaporized the wraith. "So, I have no mattress, and there are these wraiths around..."-Barton The wormskull closed the portal, the wraith vanished, and then Dana shot it with her big splat gun. That knocked it out. Tom then flamed the worms. A lot. A lot a lot a lot. A wraith faded in. Barton tackled it, it vanished. It faded in again. "Uh... guys... there's a sword, it's on the ground, what the f*** do we do now?" -Barton ***Sunrise*** Nothing interesting happens. We collect the party. Jonathan leads us to the surface. CNN says the BMP and UCAS military have "imposed order on the city" most of the rioters are dead. A pizza delivery hovercraft full of elves rescues the party. An armored personell carrier saying UCAS comes around the corner. We listen to Mank's speech, he gloats about how "The Dreamers" have walked into his trap, how the wraiths work for the orks, and he controls the orks, and now we shall meld your blood with ours and as the new dreamers we will herald a new age. We will give you one more chance to join us freely. I don't expect you to take it. I thought not. (words in a language we didn't understand, ... and a bunch of other stuff) then the mortal combat theme begins. We land on Nantucket, and talk to the Ambassador. We told him about Vestrial and showed him the coins and the mask. ******************************* A'leia talked Barton into telling her that he'd given an oricalcum coin with a Sperethial inscription saying "property of the elven nations" to the Ambassador, in return for returning us to good terms with the elves, and helping the rest of us become Adepts.