InvokeSpirit, 2 points/level, Charisma/Hard, defaults to SummonSpirit-2 InvokeSpirit is used to aspect the AstralPlane in a certain area to a paticular type of spirit in the SpiritSpecialization. The sorcerer must first spend time prepairing the space (this usually takes d6 minutes and can be done with common household materials). He must the concentrate for one second and roll against InvokeSpirit. Astral space within the prepaired space gains aspect equal to 1/2 the success margin (called the aspect bonus), minimus one, for a number of hours equal to Power. The preperation time can be reduced to one minute for a -3 penalty to skill, 2d6 seconds for -6, and d6 seconds for -10. If the space is already aspected, the sorcerer suffers a penalty of -2 per spirit type the space is already aspected to, more (possibly far more) if the types are opposed in any way. Multiple Invocations of the same spirit type do not stack. Those with the SpiritPower or appropriate levels of AstralPerception or ESP can make an IQ roll to realize that the space is askected. After that, appropriate knowledge rolls may be made to determine what kind of spirit the space is aspected to. Theology, Metaplanar Knowledge, or Magic Theory (at a penalty) could apply. The aspect bonus is added to all attemps to summon the appropriate type of spirit. Summoning opposed spirits may have a penalty of half the aspec bonus. In addition, spirits to whom the space is aspected may add the aspect bonus to all attempts to resist banishment. There may be other effects as the GM decrees. The aspect bonus only affects one magnitude of spirit per three full levels of power--thus this skill is useless for Power 1-2, affects [WatcherSpirit]s only at Power 3-5, Child spirits at 6-8, Lesser spirits at 9-11, Moderate spirits at 12-14, and Great spirits at 15+. A Great Spirit must be Invoked before it can be Summoned, but this does not require a specific power level. Through long-term tending, a space may gain a perminant aspect. Refer to rules regarding the making and maintaining of perminant ritual spaces off of RitualPsychicMagic--the perminant aspect is equal to the focusing bonus provided by a similarly treated space. This does stack with uses of InvokeSpirit. The use of area-effect MageStatic can eliminate a temporary aspecting (if the Invocation is complete, the intruder suffers a penatly equal to the aspect bonus to rolls to dispell it--each successful roll decreases the aspect bonus by one). He can also disrupt a perminant aspecting for a number of hours equal to his power (using the same mechanic). If the aspect of a place is reduced to zero, it loses one point of aspect bonus perminantly unless carefully reatuned and purified again through use of InvokeSpirit.