We started talking to the elves, and talking about the chips from the dream--the ambassador picked up on the relation of relationship of the jewels with the chips to (thought-to-be-impossible) controlling the kind of magic we do safely, and making spellcasters out of mundanes. We told them about Tristain: *You brought in an outsider, let him help you, and then let him walk off again!?!? Are you* **trying** *to sabotage this?* *No. Was that not okay? He's our company's Vice President. We couldn't just leave him out,,,* *Well, why didn't he come back with you?* *He didn't want to. Said he had things to take care of. But don't worry.* *<takes a deep breath> There may still be a way to salvage this. You'll need to re-enact the events of that night in front of some of my guards. It's not as good, but it might just be enough* So, we started trying to write out our play. We went through what had happened, and found the Impressive parts for each person. We soundtracked our play:
OPENING -- 2001
Entering the Building--Danger Zone
A' -- Matrix
Melody--Mission Impossible--skulking around corners
 Jonathan--Kung-fu Fighting
Dana -- Elements song (Tom Lehrer)
Dargo -- T2
Arlix --Night on Ball Mountain
CLOSING--Top Gun Theme
We wrote out al the things we wanted to make sure to do, but people kept shouting over one another. I feel incredibly , even mystically like ... **a schmuck.** I feel as if… I really need to kill Peter… The Ambassador mentions that there are 30 silver/oricalcum coins on loan from the Vatican at a museum in France that he wouldn't mind us robbing… The coins could be used as payment for Ghostmasters, so we could become Adepts. We sit down to talk about it, but... aargh. I can't concentrate. I can't believe this. I'm **never** going to be an adept this way. Maybe I'll run away and change my name and nobody will know where I went, and I can just forget about this Adept stuff... Or maybe I don't need to run away... My name isn't really Melody Smith, anyway. That's just what they called me in the orphanage, before I was big enough to know my own name. [The Renaming]
I remember… <the things we've done "onscreen">, the dreams of the 4th age, and of Boston when my Name was Jeanna I apparently know how to create a first impression, and how to sing and mimic voices… I mimic'd the voice of K'shrik singing a ballad about the people in the 4th age. I don't remember a lot of things… I remember that Melody knew how to do karate, and cast spells, and things like that, but I don't exactly remember how to do them. I'm going to need to figure out what happens if I sing the same songs Melody sang, since Dana and the Ambassador said I was still a mage by blood… They are talking about going to "France" and the "Louvre" where there are some oricalcum coins for us to do the training pledge. I tell everyone what I want to do, and prepare to try singing "I'm beginning to see the light" To wrap light around myself A very faint glow wraps around me, but not much else. Maybe if I try practicing it some more… I asked A' to tell me about what Troubadours traditionally do, since I keep figuring out that I can do things. Two of the "things a first-circle Troubadour can do" look like what I did earlier… I want to try singing to make them feel strongly about something to see if Emotion Song works… *"They are coins from the mints of Lydia, the first monetary society. They are refined gold--oricalcum. They will be brought in from the Vatican, possibly with living color-forms; it's an exhibit on ancient forms of Commerce. It will be kept at the Louvre for two weeks, and then taken back to the Vatican. You can hit it at any point in there" We argue about whether we should get these coins from the museum, or try to get them en-route.* We ask to meet the Adept-teachers. * "The ancients who invented these disciplines followed--not gods exactly--there was one who was the incarnation of the Overseer" suggests that A' should consider being the priest? * "An elementalist… that may take doing… Oh, God, and it's him, too. I'll find someone who owes me a LARGE favor"--Ambassador * Koda suggested that, since it seems like I can still do magic, though I don't really know how, she might be able to show me how to do the things that she and I did in common. We start talking about ways to get out of France, once we get in: * The Ambassador suggests the Chunnel, "If you can get to England before the theft is noticed, there is the extra bonus that it's likely to get pinned on Tir-Na-Nogth" * We talk about going to sea in a boat, or using one of (A')'s drones that can carry it quicky out over the water, and Koda mentioned "botany transport" "It's harder to scry through living material…" *"We put a bag of coins in a cow, in place of it's stomach. The cow won't be able to stand up for long, but that doesn't matter because we're putting the cow in a box and shipping it out of France"--A'* Possible Routes: 1) Paris to the Bay of Biscay 2) Paris to the English Channel 3) Paris to the Mediterranean Sea It seems to me that going to the "UK" is the right way to go… A' gets police-reports from people who tried to steal things from the Louvre, and blueprints that tell you most of what it looks like. We decided that we should split up the coins, because we only need 15 at most for ourselves--if the other 15 go off in some other direction, then they will be less likely to follow us. We are going to go in as tourists? We came up with the idea that we could hire Shadowrunners to steal the coins for us… You know, that has a lot of merit to it, if we can do it. A' asked me to try really hard to re-learn being invisible. I asked people if I could sing for them and try this "Emotion Song" thing in A' s "EarthDawn" book. Koda, Dana, and A' agreed (and Tom left his recording things in the room) while I sang a 30-minute "happy" song about the Oracle Corporation. We have a catchy corporate jingle! We determined that it wouldn't be weird for people to be looking astrally at art, either, so we are ready to head to France via the Netherworld. (Peter tried to steal Tom's wallet, he noticed, but Peter said "I'm training to be a Thief. That's what I do") We go talk to the ambassador to get him to take us to France. Tom suggests we go to the Catacombs, but there are ghouls and vampires there. There is Versaille, Notre Dame, Normandy Beach, the Bastille, the Arc d'Triumphe. We decide to go in at Normandy Beach, in a boat, and come back through the Arc, (They explain what Normandy is) Tom, Koda, Dana, Peter, Arlix and I bamf, in a boat, to Normandy Beach. It's very foggy here, and cold. Arlix says "everybody stop", so I hold still. "Ditch the boat, go that way, I'll distract them" --Arlix Everyone but Arlix goes the direction that he pointed. About 6 guys run up to us in armor that says "SK Security" with guns. I try to first-impression "Harmless" which seems to work. He says to Dana "How pleasant of you to come back" Dana --"back?" "Ve have many questions to be asking you. I am certain you will be surprised that we have found you after all this time, but the statute of limitations in Europe is another six months. Conveniently, France and the Extraterritorial Sedar-Krupp Corporation have a very nice extradition treaty. Some of these people have committed grevious crimes against the Sedar-Krupp Corporation and they will pay. " "You want money?" --Dana "May I have a recept for my fox? I'd like him back"--Peter "Ve will give you a receipt when the fox is in the box"--SK They put Arlix into the box, which is apparently made of silver. They explain that they are going to take us to the police station and extradite us to S-K Corporation. There are two guards with big machine guns with us in the back of a Prisoner Transport Van. The French policemen seem to believe my first-impression "innocent" (as they don't really seem to like the S-K people very much). They tell us that they will wake a judge up Monday morning to deal with the extradition. They let us call A' -- I started talking to A' and told him what was going on. Dana pulled the phone out of my hand, then Koda pulled it out of hers, then Peter pulled it out of hers. A' promised to send us a lawyer in the morning. Dana also said "Can you send the J & D Lawyers as well?" Sitting in the jail cell, Dana clue-dumps "This is the stuff people know about legal systems and how they work" Then she starts telling me about first-aid. You're going to try to break them out tonight? You fool! Luckily we have an even dumber plan… --A'