**Calling Elementals** costs ten motes, a Willpower, and a four hour ritual, contesting your Essence+Willpower against the spirit's. Each test after the first takes another hour. Expect the Spirit — being native to the astral — to beat you on Essence. So you'd better beat it on Willpower. The materials for this summoning are a Resources N expenditure, where N is the Essence of the spirit. You can spend additional motes of Essence in five-mote chunks to reduce the size of its pool for by one die for one roll (so you could spend 50 motes to knock it down ten dice this roll, or five this and five next...). You may spend no more chunks than your Occult score. If you get three successes more than it, it follows you around for up to a month, bound to perform a service for you (or goes off immediately to perform one task taking up to a year). If you want multiple services, or multiple years in a long term service, you need that many more successes. If it gets a number of successes equal to your Charisma more than you, it goes free. If you're in a warded space (a circle), you get a reflexive chance to banish it (Wits+Occult, difficulty 3). Then it beats the tar out of you. Elementals can perform physical services, use their various powers for you, or tutor you in sorcery. **Calling Nature Spirits** costs ten motes, a WP, and a one-round ritual; each test after the first takes another round. Everything else works as above, except that the spirit will only follow you around waiting to perform a service for a number of *scenes*, not months, and will perform long-term services for *days*, not years. They will not leave their Domains under any circumstances. There is no resource expenditure. They don't stick around long enough to tutor you. **Calling Loa** presumably works a lot like calling Nature Spirits, except they don't have domains. An expenditure for sacrifices worth N dots gives you N bonus dice to use. Loa don't ever manifest, but all have possession charms instead. Most have charms to only possess you, giving you their skills and social attributes (sometimes more!), but leaving you in control. **Contesting control** works the same way — ten motes and a WP to start the contest -- but the contest is between the two mages, to a threshold of opponent's Charisma + spirit's remaining services. If you currently control the spirit, you can have it use a service to help you (adding its Willpower+Essence for a round) **Banishing** *also* works the same way, except that it's a contest against both the spirit and it's summoner (if any), with a threshold of its Essence + his Charisma vs. your Charisma.
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