A personal proposal from me (Jesse), because I've had this idea for a while and would like to see how it works. This steps on the toes of the Karma system just a bit, but read and judge for yourself. Each character has an Archetype, and Ideal, and another Ideal or Archetype. An achetype is a one-word description of a role, like a discipline monkier but more general. Things like "Mother," "Soldier," "Architect," "Revolutionary," etc. also qualify. Your character should act out things that are appropriate for the archetype, such as being nurturing, engaging in combat under orders, trying to leave a lasting system in the world, sowing discord, etc. Note that there are some nonheroic archetypes, like "coward", "bitch", "con man", etc, and are occasionally bus seldom seen in heros. And ideal is something you fight to further and preserve, a cause, like "America" "Honor" or "The Environment" "Wise man" is an archetype, involving giving advise and thinking things through. "wisdom" is an ideal that involves teaching others and speading understanding. Samson, for example, would be have Warrior as an archetype and the Israelites (protecting and liberating of) as an ideal. He also has "Israelite" as an archetype, one that involves following the laws and being obedient to God and posibly punishing sinners. When two or more of your archetypes/ideals come into play, you can spend hero points as a bonus to your roll. Pick heroic archetypes and ideals. Horrors will pick evil ones, with archetypes like "Manipulator" and "Torturer" and ideals like "Pain and Suffering" or "Harm" Danger may also be a prerequisite for spending hero points, see the bit at [Heroism and Legend-building mechanics]