and are absolutely positively required reading before trying to create a new archetype. Migth want to look at for a showrun/feng shui conversion. Otherwise, there are plenty of good fighter archetypes, but some of the disciplines are probably lacking. What happens when someone picks up new archetype by becoming an adept? --zebediah **Answer:** that's not a new archetype. That's spending a bunch of XP to pick up the Adept schtick (see below), a bunch of skills, and such. Archetypes only really happen at character creation. Do their stats and skill sjust have to be good enough, and they just gain the schticks? (admittedly, if "adept" is a schtick, it's a truely powerful one...recovery tests, access to schticks, and bumping up the Chi stat a lot)--zebediah **Answer:** They spend the XP for all the schticks, abilities, etc. they're picking up. I had left out Recovery Tests, because in Feng Shui you just sort of mysteriously heal between episodes. Maybe we do need to mechanic it... as for the rest, Adept as defined earlier grants a "natural" Chi stat: a Karma pool. --bts
Camrish Archetypes Everything below should be augmented with the schtick Adept and a selection of Talents (seven?) which are expected to cover incidental adepthood tricks like rapid healing and the actual Talents. Melee should be substituted for Guns as appropriate. * Troubadour: Journalist * Weaponsmith: Techie * Magicians are variants of the High Fantasy Feng Shui "Wizard" * Archer: Killer or HFFS Archer. * Journeyman: Everyman Hero * Thief: Thief * Raider: Maverick Cop, Ex-Special-Forces, maybe Spy or Ninja in weird cases. * Cavalryman: anything with Driving, with Riding substituted instead. Probably Maverick Cop, as he has Driving +10. Is there anything else in Camrish right now? Boston Archetypes * Priest for Shamans and magicians. (Tristian Goodfellow, e.g.) * Techie works well for deckers, as does (strangely) Wizard, with a Decking skill replacing Sorcery or Fix-It. Note that Decking doesn't give you a dodge the way Sorcery does, so some rapid research into a real-world combat skill is advised, even if it never goes above 11. Some mechanic for buying Fu and Sorcery schticks for use in the matrix only could be fun to play. * A'leia does actually have an Archetype (two, sorta): the stats of a Priest, the schticks of a Troubadour, and the skills of neither. * Barton's a Spy, I think. * Dana's a Medic with a bunch of schticks in cyberware. * Tom's a Techie. Duh. Tom wrote the book on Techie. Any comments on the above? --bts