Unless otherwise noted, all of these cost three motes of essence to activate, and last for a scene. Strength (Trolls) Crush: Focus your attack for a *full turn*, then hit barehanded for lethal damage for one attack. Lifter: double the amount of weight carried/lifted. One scene or one feat of strength. Knockdown: Auto-knockdown on one attack, cost paid after you hit. Stamina (Orks) Durability: convert one incoming attack to Bashing. Hardbody: soak aggravated damage with your lethal soak for a turn. Regeneration: Convert a Lethal HL to a Bashing HL; it then heals normally. Resiliency: Double soak bonuses from Stamina. Perception (Windlings) Blindfighting: Ignore the penalty for combat in complete darkness for a scene. If you're in partial light, you can close your eyes to fight better. Bloodhound: Make an awareness roll to track by scent for a scene. Astral Sight: See astral for a turn. Back of the Head: Immunity to surprise and effective 360 degree vision. It's from minute changes in posture, not changes in head shape. Wits (T'Skrang) Artistic Genius: one auto-success on all art-related rolls. Enhanced Initiative: add five to Initiative for one turn. Lie Detector: You notice lies by those whose Manipulation+Essence is less than your Wits. Multitasking: Subtract one from all multi-tasking penalties for a turn. Appearance (Elves) Awe-Inspiring: one automatic success on all Presence rolls. Face of Terror: force Valor rolls with a difficulty of your Appearance by all who can see you; their Essences count as automatic successes. Instant. Seductive Looks: Three auto-successes when persuading through seduction: Appearance-related changes only! Manipulation (Dwarves) Persuader: Extra successes (3 for normal stuff, two for danger, one for strong danger) when persuading. Works for one tightly-related set of requests (Go to the store; buy me some bread; I prefer wheat; deliver it to my house). Trickster: Three automatic successes on confidence games and treachery. The Voice: One target at a time; contest of Manipulation and Wits rolls. Target will follow one short command until he thinks better of it: "Drop the knife!" or "Untie me!" but not "Play computer games until I tell you to stop" or "Torture Bob to death". The target's Essence counts as automatic successes on his roll, and he can spend Willpower to cancel successes 1:1. Charisma (T'Skrang? Dwarves?) Commanding Presence: three autosuccesses when commanding people or giving orders. Normal resistance rolls apply, and a WP still allows the target to just ignore it. Dreadful Mein: Make a Charisma roll as an active defense; lasts for a combat on one target, but can be used multiple times. If the character attacks the target or his allies, it fails. Has to be up close: melee range only. Natural Agitator: Make a Charisma roll to send a mob or crowd off to do what you want: one scene is enough to start a riot, but not enough to make it do much. Soothe: Make a Charisma roll; everyone near you calms down. Nobody wants to take hostile action until they either make a Wits roll beating the original Soothe roll, or spend a point of Willpower. This is relatively short ranged: those more than ten yards away probably won't be affected.