This is mostly converted to Exalted mechanics. If you think you found something here as powerful as Terrestrial Circle Sorcery in any sphere, let me know please, it's a mistake.

One thread is required per point of difficulty of a spell; all the "spend a Willpower for this cool extra" effects can be done with a thread instead, AS LONG AS they don't already also have a difficulty increase listed. A thread takes one round, and is woven at the difficulty of the spell.

Possibility Only, We Must Test This: you get a number of successes equal to the thread-weaving successes on your casting roll? or you can do something cool with them, like extending range/damage? So a thread to "extra targets" or "extra range" as in the old system?

Every sphere should say what its generic difficulty and stat are. Elementalists are being pushed towards Stamina, Nethermancers towards Charisma, Wizards towards Intelligence, Illusionists towards Manipulation. Alchemy -- not a Sphere, part of perfectly ordinary Occult and Medicine. There are mundanes who can make BloodCharms, Booster Potions, and Last Chance Salves. We do need rules for those last two; I favor "heal your next HL as if it were one level less severe" for Boosters, "heal at 10x for the day" for healing potions, and "Make a Stamina+Endurance roll at a difficulty equal to the number of overkill HLs you've taken. If it succeeds, you are alive at Incapacitated" for LCS and Death Cheat charms. SphereBlast -- good for generic combat mages, gives a selection of harmful effects, a ranged parry, a forcewall. SphereDivination -- three levels; scrying, prediction, illusion detection, and at at very high levels blessings and cursings. SphereElements (actually five different spheres) -- contains a Blast effect, creation, purification, manipulation, crafting, and enhancement of mundane items. SphereIllusion -- Split into three levels (what we called simple, complex, and perfect illusions before. SphereInfluence -- Mind control, including great self-control. Split into two levels, with very powerful abilities like party telepathy and mind probe at Influence II. SphereKarma -- blessings, curses, and manipulating raw Essence (so draining people's pools, for example). SphereLife -- Split into three levels: healing, biothaumaturgy, weird hybrids are scattered across all three. Calling animals, transforming into plants, all in here. SphereLight -- Physical light and shadow manipulation SphereMetamagic -- what parts of Chi didn't go into Karma, above. More delicate manipulations of essence flow, changes in mana level, reflexive countermagic, warding. Split into three levels. SphereMovement -- three levels covering abstract force, flight, telekinesis, levitation, chucking things about. SphereNecromancy -- undeath really shouldn't be part of Life, so it needs its own sphere. That's limited enough that I'd give it a blast (bone dance) and probably some abilities to make sure even benign nethermancers want it (bone circle). SphereSound -- Physical sound manipulation. Popular with Illusionists, but probably not worth it elsewhere. SphereSummoning -- three levels, covering calling up, binding, putting down, and calling on spirits for a cuppa: at higher levels, metaplanar and netherworld travel are included. SphereWeather -- earthquakes, thunder, lightning, snowballs. Is the fact that there are 15 spheres (lumping elements together and counting alchemy) a coincidence? ;'] --jesse cox Five triads, actually: for this element of magic, it's the same reason there are Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Trolls, and Orks. --bts An idea to think on---light and sound are both quite piddly. Given the way the sphere mechanic is discussed, making each sphere (and each level) a noun or so seems to work well. So Illusion is (Image, Object, Property-of-object), and roll Sound and Light into one category, like the 5 elements are (possibly adding a "scents/flavors" sphere, to give us the Exalted awareness charm tree trio. Call it SphereSenses or something). --zebediah Most spheres (expect for Light, Sound, and the individual elements) seem like they might have multiple levels. Most of the ones that don't mention it explicity seem like they could have 2-3 levels pretty easily (at least if a few new effects for things like Weather were concocted, and Alchemy handles most effects of artifice from the old Chi sphere). ExaltedHackingSphereDistribution for a couple ideas that tie into JesseThinkingofMetaphysics (may or may not be relevant, but fun to play with)--zebediah