For the Boston setting, create characters worth between 450 and 550 points. For the Camrish setting, create characters worth between 150 and 250 points. Stats cost double if you're buying your character more than a +3 bonus to his stats, relative to his species. Steps to Character Creation: 0. Develop a Concept. 1. Select one of the RacialPackages. 2. Select a [Discipline]. 3. For either setting, buy [Advantage]s, [Disadvantage]s, and [Skill]s. 4. For a First Circle Adept character, put 32 points into Talents. 5. For a magician, pick out spells and powers as appropriate. 6. For a higher Circle adept, jot down some notes as you spend your remaining points to increase Talent ranks: you should know about one legendary use of a Talent per rank after 1.