* Natural Encumbrance is gone, replaced by broken-out disadvantages or advantages; everybody uses the base encumbrance table. * Ranks of Durability alternate between giving an extra HP, an extra point of Fatigue, and an extra rank of DR, in that order. That means a character with Durability 15 has 5 extra HP, 5 extra Fatigue, and 5 extra DR. * Everywhere you see the word "Strain", substitute "Fatigue or Hit Point" * We're using the GURPS ST-to-damage table. * Cyber doesn't help with Talents. This mostly affects attributes, but may affect other game features as well. * Die rolls: roll 2d10 instead of 3d6. One of them is positive, one negative. Add them to your skill. So if you roll a +5 and a -6, and your stat is 12 and your skill +4, you just rolled a total of 15. The average target number is 10. There are no more resistance rolls: the target is just the other guy's WL or HT. Similarly, the target to hit somebody is his Dodge or Parry. Yes, that means you need to declare a Parry *before* you know what the attack roll is. If you roll a 10 on either die, roll again in that direction. Criticals happen when you roll double 10s, then succeed or fail. Margin of success is irrelevant. Something still needs to be done about spell threads, the only case where I think MoS is still in the rules and needs to be fixed (e.g. Extra Area). I think it can just be replaced with "use your ThreadWeaving Rank" * Attributes have a flat cost of 20 points/level in each direction. * The Nth rank of a Circle C Talent costs N+C points. So Durability, a Circle 2 Talent, costs 3, 4, 5, 6... 17. I suppose leave both attributes and talents at the levels you currently have, but adjust the character's point value accordingly. * FooMaster advantages allow you to take multiple actions each turn, as long as no more than one requires a roll: so if you're an Archer and have six actions, you can draw your bow, draw an arrow, ready your bow, ready the arrow, aim, and fire. Only firing requires a roll (note that this example does not use FastDraw, as that would require an extra roll). * Some spells shouldn't have the costs they do; for any spell of Circle=A and cost=B, it can be converted to a spell of Circle=A+1, cost=max(A+1, B/10). Removing a major restriction is also good for a circle boost, but please check with me first. For example, Resurrection is a Circle 5, Cost 5 spell. Removing the One Try Only limitation, the body requirement, and the requirement that the target not have taken pulping damage boosts it to Circle 8, Cost 8. * Note that the Enchant spell doesn't exist, but Thread Weaving can be used to similar effect, at a rate of Rank points of investment per day of work. This means that almost every spell with Enchant as a prerequisite *also* doesn't exist. * If you're at the point of making unconsciousness or death checks, you can cause your character to pass out (this is voluntary for the player, not the character), and not have to make any of them. If your character is *already* unconscious, death checks can't be avoided this way. The purpose here is to make it impossible for a character to die when it isn't Important that he stay conscious.