When using a psionic skill, a character can choose to perform any combination of the techniques below, gaining the listed modifiers to effective skill. The character's effective skill can never be increased above the base skill level, the foci only serve the overcome the Unfocused penalty, they do not improve the character's chances beyond that. Distance-- Psi skills have a normal distance at which they function. Operating at a lesser distance makes the skill easier to use. For every halving of the skill's normal range, the character gets +1 to effective skill (up to +3). If he touches the subject, the character gets +4 (note this is in place of the normal +1 to skill for touching a subject on p. B167.) Fatigue-- A psi can spend additional fatigue to enhance the use of a skill. Each point of fatigue spent, in addition to the skill's normal fatigue cost, adds +1 to effective skill. Note the Extra Effort rules (p. B166) work normally for psis looking to increase power rather than skill. Location-- Consecrated areas are places where psychic energy flows more freely, unrestrained by the wrong "vibes". Most places are not consecrated, and offer no bonus. A character can perform a brief (1d minute) ritual to quickly consecrate an area, providing a +1 bonus. A true consecrated area (requiring a week's worth of rituals to prepare, and regular maintenance), gives a +2 bonus. A consecrated area at least 20 years old gives a +3 bonus, 50 years old +4, 100 years old +5, 500 years old +6, and ancient ritual sites over a thousand years old provide a +7 bonus. Materials-- Psis can use various objects to enhance their connection to the target of a skill. A small object (like a piece of clothing) adds +1, fingernail or hair clippings add +2, photographs or blood samples add +3. Having the target physically present and in the psi's line of sight adds +4. Symbols-- Symbols of power help enhance the use of psi. A simple amulet, talisman, or the like adds +1 to skill, while more detailed symbols, created using the Symbol Drawing skill (p. CI147) add +1 for every 2 points the skill roll is made by, to a maximum of +3. Characters with the Mystic Symbol advantage (p. VO60) may add their bonus to their effective skill. Rituals-- Speaking words of power (mantras) and making certain gestures (mudras) can provide focus. A few soft words or a quick gesture with a couple fingers adds +1, both adds +2, speaking and gesturing clearly adds +3, while elaborate movements and loud incantations add +4. Time-- Activating a psi skill normally takes one second of concentration. For every doubling of the time required, the character gets +1 to effective skill, to a maximum of +5 (requiring 30 seconds of concentration). Alternately, the character can choose to prepare for a skill use by meditating, performing rituals, etc. Once prepared, the skill can be used immediately (with one second of concentration) and a bonus based on the preparation time. One minute is +2, 10 minutes is +3, an hour is +4, and a full 8-hour day of preparation is +5.