Barton Blackspear elfish human, age unknown, bandana'ed head covering black long hair A bit over 6 feet tall, and a sturdy fellow. Dashingly handsome, and always, ALWAYS extravagant in movements and speech...

ST 16 DX 13 HT 13
IQ 14 WP 12 CH 14

Looks a lot like a [Pirate], the real old kind... Skilled with most conventional turn-of-the-century weaponry. Notably Displayed Skills: * Negotiation/Fast Talk/Diplomacy * Firearms * Broadswords, specifically [Cutlass] * Sex Appeal and a few more along that line (be afraid) * Sperethiel * First Aid * [Damsel Rescuing] Advantages/Disadvantages: * Some speed and action enhancing [Cyberware and Bioware] * Serious "flashbacks" to a long time ago and a different personality... * Perfect Balance * Great hearing and sense of smell