Proposal: It may just be me, but there are a number of pure combat adepts in earthdawn, and I really think that they should be getting fewer combat talents (in macy cases, this is droping useless or nonsensical ones) and get more of other kinds of talents. Fletching as a talent makes a lot of sense for archers, for example, as might decreasing the circle on some of the "I'm Impressive!" talents, and perhaps some more group support (like Arrow mysic aim, but it helps your comrades, too)...can anyone think of a social talent that involves being **Direct**? (Possible inspirations for Archer discipline...Strongbow and/or Dart, from Elfquest. Legolas. Anybody think of any others? Possible Schticks, besides "Missiles" are "Direct," "Clearseeing," "Accurate," "Fast," and maybe "Nimble." Narrowing it down to about 4 really good ones would be great.) (Additional Schitcks for archers could include more divination ("notice things that others often miss"), a Plain Speaking talent ("Your works go straight to my heart. I will aid you."--useful only if you're actually speaking the plain truth), possibly a Penetrating Voice (or even directed voice) tallent, also useful for Troubadors (basically, a "my works pierce the din of battle...or conversation" or a "I can speak to people in this line of hexes, such that noone else can hear me." Like telepathy, if you've got two archers doing it.) Fletching, a Target! talent (make someone a target, i.e. easier to hit--might act like stripping away cover.), maybe a truthing talent (truth as an archer schtick?), they might also get Safe Path (or other seeking talents), Zen Archery would be cool at some point (look ma, no eyes!), a multishot talent, maybe a trueseeing talent (again, might be useful for shooting through cover, but mostly to penetrate illusions), and Tactics as a talent probably isn't out of place. I'm trying to think of more social/mental talents that aren't aready given to archer in ED, and drawing a blank for the moment...more ideas posted as had.) --zebediah Ooh..."flight of the arrow," useful for propelling yourself through the air in straight lines, might be a neat high-circle talent. --zebediah I would have speed nock and fastdraw talents work at margin(not margin/3). A high circle archer should be capable of high rates of fire(and the high circle extra attack talents are anoying to adapt). And I think archers really should be combat oriented, not funky non-bow tricks or craft skills(although a spot talent would be relevent). They are the probobly the 2nd most combat oriented adept(warrior, then archer, then swordmaster, skyraider and cavelreymen who start having non-combat schtik, and then others who have a few combat tricks, but are not about combat.) I would say that for low circles, which is what we care about at the moment, you should have a really good reason to change or replace talents(like 3rd circle smith with two talents that are hard to use without unusual oppertunities).-jss FastDraw