Factors in casting a spell: * The size of your spell matrix and the size of the spell * Your skill in the spell * Your IQ * Your magery rank (Circle) * (possibly) Your Spellcasting Talent Rank Spells are IQ+Magery(+or-)your skill in the spell to cast, and a spellcasting roll to throw (if it must be thrown) You must have a matrix (with no skew) that is large-enough to hold the spell. ex: I have IQ 12, Magery 2, and want to hit The Bad Guy with a PunyFireball, which is cost 2. I have PunyFireball at +1, because it's by best combat spell. I load it into my size-3 spell matrix, rolling against my Threadweaving talent of 14 ( (If I weren't in combat, I could just take 10 minutes and not have to roll. As it is, I will take 1 round and risk collapsing just this matrix if I fail. I could also reattune my matrix instantly and risk collapsing all my matricees if I fail) I roll threadweaving again to load an Extra Damage Thread (This takes another round). If I fail to weave the thread, I can try again next round. Then, I concentrate for 1 round (the concentration time of the spell) and roll on a 15. If I succeed, I have a fireball in my hand. Now, I aim for two rounds, giving me +6 to hit. That adds to my spellcasting of 14 (IQ+spellcasting rank) and gives me a 20, minus 5 for range, so again I am rolling on a 15. I take a 5 point to-hit penalty to give The Bad Guy a -5 penalty to dodge, and roll on a 10 to hit him.